Health · June 2, 2021

Adderall is used to treat many conditions

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It is the one drug which is used to treat many different diseases. It has shown lot of improvement in the people suffering from nervous problems. It helps in improving the ability to focus and pay concentration. Adderall is mainly used to take care of the patients suffering from ADHD along with this many doctors believe that this can also help in treating the bipolar disorders. Let us see in details about what is bipolar disorder.

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  • Bipolar disorder is a type of mental sickness which changes the mood level to high or too low. It also affects the sleeping pattern, behaviour and thinking of a person.
  • You might be thinking mood changes occur in everyone, what is the difference between that and the mood change in bipolar disorder. The difference is that the mood changes which happens in bipolar disorder is very extreme like there will be time when they are extremely happy and later they can become so sad and hopeless.
  • It is also known as manic depression. Let see what is manic it tells about the period when the person is extremely excited and in this situation they start believing something which are actually not true or start feeling that they are able to see something which does not exist.
  • Now let see what does depression or depressive means this tell about the condition in which the person feels very sad. They never feel the manic condition that is they never feel happy. Most of the people suffer from the second symptom that is depressive than the manic.
  • There are two types of bipolar disorders. In first type of bipolar disorder the people will face the high or low mood change for few weeks and it is very extreme. It is that extreme that they would need medical attention. In second type of bipolar disorder they have both high and low mood change but it is not that extreme as the first type.
  • Other than extreme level of happiness and sadness you can also find many other symptoms in the people. When they are in mania period they will face symptoms like fast speaking, more energetic and less of sleep, making poor judgement, become more confident and start planning thing which are not possible and many more.
  • When they are in depressive period they will face symptoms like not able to concentrate, less energy, sleeping time increases, they cry a lot and many more.


Hope this information will help you and if you need more information about the drug you can visit